Matt's Blog

Photoshop Fonts (DaFont) & Magazine Title Ideas

Photoshop Fonts (DaFont) & Magazine Title Ideas 2

Reader Profile (Comments)

In conclusion to my reader profile, I believe it confirms my idea for a music magazine. The styles of music that are preferred are very similar to what is shown in NME, which is going to be similar to my magazine. It was interesting to see that the same number of people buy CDs compared to downloading illegally. It was also interesting to see that a small number of people own a Mac but most people (nearly everyone) own a PC. My Music magazine will cover Rock, Pop and Indie music.

Reader Profile (Survey Results)

Music Magazine Analysis (Double Page Spread)

Music Magazine Analysis (Contents Page)

Music Magazine Analysis (Front Covers)

Task 19

Evaluation of College Magazine

1) I have learnt:
· How to use a number of Photoshop tools including Brushes, Layers, Fonts, Magnetic Lasso Tool, Filters and the Quick Selection tool.
· How to import text from ‘Dafont’ and incorporate it into my magazine cover.
· How to import brushes from a number of websites including ‘PSBrushes.’
· How to design and create a front cover and contents page for a college magazine.
· How to use flat plans.
2) What do I need to improve:
· Captions on my article pictures.
· Main Article Quote.
· Improve House Style.
· Time management.

College Magazine Analysis

Design Sketches

College Magazine Screenshots

Magazine Cover and Contents

CD Cover

CD Cover Powerpoint